Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Nailing the Defensive Writer

C'mon, guys! It's only the second day of the new year, and the demons of insecurity and arrogance are already causing havoc in my world of analytical creativity. I'll let you in on a little secret, though...this year, I am going to kick their impish asses!

I returned from holiday vacation to find nine e-mails from writers interested in having me work on their manuscripts, which is always a nice thing to come home to since you know I LOVE my work. Really. No sarcasm, I promise. All but two of the manuscripts were pretty tight mechanically, but all nine needed help with exposition and voice, those common oversights we writers tend to always commit.

Well, I spent most of New Year's Eve day (yes, I am truly addicted to my work) redlining the first two, and e-mailed them back before heading out for a little imbibing. After tending to my hangover the next morning, I opened my e-mail to find them--those two little bastards from hell--reminding me that I am viewed as the enemy of creativity...the killjoy of writing...the grim reaper of musings. What ever!

Writers, listen up: EDITORS ARE YOUR GREATES ALLIES IN TAKING YOUR WRITING TO THE MASSES! Yeah, we suffer from the "God Complex" from time to time, but who in the hell wants someone working their manuscript who can't make a solid decision? Remember, readers are an intelligent group of people, and insulting them with poor writing will kill your career before it ever begins.

Long story short, I have booked both writers after several reassuring e-mails that my first goal was to help them create a marketable manuscript, and not to hijack their stories. I don't mind the extra effort, but it still baffles me how much I sometimes feel like a doctor telling a family that their loved one didn't make it.

I am excited about 2007. I think the world is going to become a better place this year, and I hope to be a tiny part of that process. I am thankful I make a living doing what I love, and when a writer wants me to work on a second project, it lets me know I am heading in the right direction.

Thanks for letting me vent. I would love to hear what you have to say, whatever that may be. Write on, writers...right on!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I have begun the new year with similar "demons." It is difficult to address a writer's concerns for their manuscript when they are not ready to allow an outside opinion to begin with.

I have found that informing a writer you will not use their project as a "calling card" and that you will keep your services private helps to build trust.

Best of luck with 2007, and I hope your "ass-kicking" goes well.

Word Doctor said...

Thanks, Stephanie. Good advice, and best of luck to you also.

Anonymous said...

The problem with editors like you is that you think you know everything about writing. I have worked with editors like you before, and they always want to turn my stories into something that they are not. Instead of sticking pencils in your ears, why don't you stick your nose in a book on relationships. Preferebly one you have not edited.

Word Doctor said...


Hey, thanks for stopping by. I hear what you are saying (even with pencils in my ears), but let me assure you that I definately don't know everything about writing. I know a lot, but not everything.

I will say, though, that editing is a strange gig compared to writing. It involves using two sides of the brain at once while getting to know and work with someone (an author) based on a couple of e-mails and a smattering of signifiers on a page.

It seems that you have had more than your fair share of bad experiences with my kind...sorry to hear that. I don't know what type of writer you are or what your skill level is, but I hope that you find a more positive experience with editors "like me" in the future.

I will hit Amazon tomorrow and search "Relationships." Who knows? Maybe it'll help.

Anonymous said...



We - a group of published authors -have set up our own little publishing company to publish books we REALLY LIKE (not ours - even though we like them - other people's projects). Oh hell. The last author one we turned down called us selfish, ignorant capitalists with no heart, soul and understanding.

Next time I'm angry, I will know where to come.

Hi from Switzerland to Nashville :-)

PS: Found you on Miss Snarks blog.


Word Doctor said...

Hey, Zappadong...love the name, but my mind is going a thousand places trying to signify its meaning. Are you a Frank Zappa fan? Is this your real name (if so, no offense)? Are you into some sort of S&M that involves high-voltage electricity? OUCH!

I guess the question is, are you actually, "selfish, ignorant capitalists with no heart, soul and understanding"? I bet not, but those demons just won't let up.

I would love to hear more about your company...send some info when you get a moment. I hope your new year in Switzerland is going well, and "Uf widerlüge"!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you speak Swiss German. Man, you've just won my heart.

Okay, here's the info you asked for - (sorry, websites are in German; well, just look at the pics then :-) )

I love the word Zappadong. It sounds good. That's why my blog is called Zappadong.

That's me: www.alicegabathuler.ch

And that's our little publishing company (still in its early stages):


Have fun... and could I have a cup of coffe, please? Or do you only have one mug?

Zappadong alias Alice

PS: Sorry, if comments come in twice. Got difficulty with confirmation.

Word Doctor said...


Hey, thanks for the info. Your pub company sounds great (according to a Google language translation). I wish I knew Swiss German so I could understand everything in context...oh, well.

You look like you are having a ton of fun like me...that is frickin' great!

Don't be a stranger, and send me something to read sometime.

Anonymous said...


Well, all of my writing is in German. And once you've sent it through a translation machine, it will be STRANGE.
But what I've done: I've written an English entry into my Zappadong Blog - for those of you who are coming from Miss Snark or "here" (meaning your place).

PS: You're right. I LOVE what I'm doing :-)
Zappadong / Alice

Word Doctor said...


All I can say is, "Merci villmool"!

Thanks for dropping by.

Scott from Oregon said...

You left out a "T"...

Word Doctor said...

Naw, just tryin' to fuck with people. At least I know you took the time to read my stuff...thanks.