Friday, January 26, 2007

Finished MS...Oh, Yes.

Just finished a manuscript that has been a challenge for me. Thus, I am taking off for the weekend to recharge. I truly love this part of the gig...finishing something and being proud of my work. The ms is brilliant, and I think it will be a breakout story for this author. It feels good to be a part of that.

I'm angry at Oprah, so don't think I'm all happy and jumping around. I watch her show about three times a year, and I fucking swear she interrupts her guests WAY too much. She comes from here in Nashville, and folks who know her say...well, she interrupts her guests WAY too much.

But I will not be thinking of her this weekend, nor editing, nor writing (that's bullshit), nor how damn cold it is outside today. At least the sun is shining. I think I will go east, into the warmth.

Have a great weekend, and if you are staying home to work, blessings of productivity to you.



Rinda Elliott said...

I can't stand talk shows, so I skip them altogether. Haven't watched Oprah since highschool, I think.

Rinda Elliott said...

High school--love leaving mispellings on an editor's blog...

Word Doctor said...

Ha! Like I haven't made a few boo boos on your blog!

I guess we're even.

-Doc said...

Since you were nice enough to stop by my blog, I thought I should come visit you, too. It's a Southern thang, right? I see you're from Nashville. My sister lived in Smyrna for many years, and I have a couple friends in the area. Seems like a nice city.

You are so right about Oprah! That's exactly why I don't watch her.

Who's the adorable little girl in the picture below? What a cutie.

Word Doctor said...

SW, thank you for stopping by. Please make it a habit. The girl below is precious, but I don't know who she is. I found her pic somewhere on line, and she caught my eye with her curious, innocent look--almost like she's saying, "Duh!"

See ya soon.
