Friday, January 12, 2007

Snark, Fuck Off!

Alright, I've had it. One of my clients suggested to me last year to go and check out this "Miss Snark, Literary Agent" blog. Becuase I promised her I would, I did. Some cool stuff on there, but I sent a comment the other day that I knew was probably going to be a little too close to home for the Snark. She didn't publish my comment, which threw me for a loop. How can someone who is so "brutally honest" about the publishing biz exercise censorship? I guess she really does want to crush writers under her fucking heel. I was blown away. I even sent a "watered-down" version of the comment, to no avail.

I think what pissed me off the most is that I know she knows what I had to say was true, but she still chose not to publish it. That's assuming (which I don't) that Snark is a single person. I honestly believe it is a group of agents who developed the blog as a way to lure in new talent so they can create job security for themselves. Pay attention to the way the voice changes in "her" replys. You've heard the old saying, "Those who can't, teach"? Well, in publishing it's, "Those who can't are agents."

From what I have read, the posts Snark allows to be seen are the ones that keep blowing air up her ass...typical of the biz. The blog does have some great things to say from time to time, but after going back and looking at comments over the last year, they seem to consitently be "pro Snark." That is not what a rebel literary agent should be about, in my opinion.

For those of you who visit there, keep it up. It is a great place to meet other writers, and pick up some nuggets of truth. Just be aware of what the Snark's motives may be...trolling for newbies who will sign with her so she can keep a job for a little while longer. Independent literature is coming faster than anyone expected, so watch out for these cats who fight the winds of change by telling everyone that they are the only way to find success.


Rinda Elliott said...

I pick up traffic from people searching for Miss Snark. I've been asked if I am Miss Snark. Had an editor email me recently to ask outright. Had an email about that this morning, in fact.

Uh, no. My blog isn't really that snarky-- most of the attitude goes into the T-shirts, which came first. (g)

Great pic, btw.

I've only visited Miss Snark a couple of times. Maybe I'll give it another look.

Word Doctor said...

Oh, yeah. You are a SERIOUS break from that blog! The fact that you will publish your pic alone puts you in a higher league than the "Snark."

Blogging is about what you and I are trying to do, not an avenue for desperate has-beens to hang on so they can pay their mortgages.

Love your blog, and hope all is well. Thanks for the kind words.

Blogless Troll said...

Thanks for another refreshingly honest post, Doc. I've noticed "she" rehashes about four or five themes, which are helpful, but don't need to be endlessly repeated. Lately, she's been answering the same question worded five different ways. And the voice shift is really noticeable when she tries lengthy "sketch comedy," which is out of character in the first place. Don't know if you've ever checked out Evil Editor, but he's much more entertaining than Snark. I'd really like to read the comment she kiboshed. You can email it if you don't want to post it here.

Looks like you got a head start on the Jack so I gotta go catch up.

Scott from Oregon said...

So what was in the email you sent? You can't go half-way and then pull the bung out of the boat...

No fair, no fair...

I found that site and yours (and Miss Snark) on the same cyberventure....

Still don't know what to think of all you "editor" types...

Anonymous said...

Yeah. What was in that post that made Miss Snark so annoyed she wouldn't post it?

Anyhow, I like her page.


PS: Where's that orange mug?

Anonymous said...

i found you through Snark, so there.

Anonymous said...

there are certainly some gems to be found at her site; the crapometer alone is worth the price of admission. who knew that everyone and their uncle was writing sci-fantasy?

but the fact that she deleted your comment (as per your other post) is telling. she can dish it but can't take it. that's interesting to me.

Word Doctor said...

Hey, C.W.I.R.,

I was surprised myself. The reason I kept lurking over there was because of her attitude. My comment wasn't offensive, like calling her a name or something, but I gave an editorial on the biz that she knows has truth to it (assuming she really knows the biz). Oh, well...

Thanks for the comment, and doesn't always being right make you go 'round in circles?

Luc2 said...

I know I'm late, but I am also curious what your message was. And I found you through MS blog as well.

I found a lot of useful info at her blog, and I even entered her last hook-CoM, but I don't see her as a guru, as some of her snarklings seem to do.

I figure writing and the writing business is subjective, and I take all the information with a pinch of salt.

No offense intended, Doc ;)