Thursday, January 11, 2007

Go Read These Blogs

This a cool blog by a fellow Nashville cat. Her blog is called Nik Cubed. Yes, her name is Nik...duh!

This is one of my regular morning stops. Nik is a real talent, and her blog is full of witticisms and honest explorations of a writer trapped in the body of a working mother. She is destined to be famous soon, and won't have time for blogging like the rest of us proletariats, so check her out now while you still can. Here is her link:

Another great place is the Write Snark. This Oklahoma writer is super creative and has a lot going on. Her blogs are inspirational, as (like Nik) she is brutally honest about her trials and tribulations. She has a market place to buy some cool writer-friendly merch, and is running a writing competition as this is being written.

Here is her link:

I have a few more places I tend to lurk around at, and I will post them later. For now, go visit these two fellow ink slingers and enjoy some fresh perspectives on our crazy creativity.

Have a productive day.


Rinda Elliott said...

I always get a kick out of Nik's blog.

Thanks for the mention!

The Scene From a Pic isn't a competition--there are no losers. (g)I post every entry I get on my blog (with a link to the writer's site) when the next picture goes up. It's just a way to get writers into the creative spirit. I've published a lot of stories off writing from good pictures, so I thought I'd spread the word. And I loved your entry on the last one!

Word Doctor said...

Yes, I aplogize for labeling it a "competition." It is more of a creative exercise than anything, I suppose. I am glad you enjoyed my submission, and thanks for stopping by again.

Unknown said...

Wow... I am absolutely LOVING this blog. I'm such a nerd. A writer can't help but be enamored. :)

Feel free to write me sometime. We can discuss the latest typo trend that I've discovered over the last week, one which I think will officially send me shrieking for the hills of Insanityland.

Word Doctor said...

Editor not so angry GOOD!

Nikki Nelson-Hicks said...

AHHHHH! I can't believe that's me! How cool is that??? I'm on someone's blog....I'm all flushed...